Friday, February 5, 2016

Who are the True Parents?

Mappy Man asks a straight question and it deserves a straight answer. His question is
"Can you tell me something very simple Robert. Who are the True Parents?"
There are two parts of this question, one part for the Spiritual world, and another for the physical world. I will deal with the physical world first. To do this I will start with a rarity for me and directly quote some of Father's words
"There will always be a physical representative of the True Father here on earth, from one generation to another; there will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore, all of you here on earth and all the people in the generations to come will be centered upon the same axis."
Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself
June 5, 1983
Tarrytown, New York
God's Will and the World (1985), p. 649
Let me add this is from the book of speeches Father personally proof read while in prison in the US. I was at a speech once the book was published where he stated that it contains the core of who he is and his purpose.
Now I want to point out
"There will always be a physical representative of the True Father here on earth, from one generation to another;"
To put bluntly to you Mappy Man and others, that is Hyung Jin Nim. When you speak of him, listen to him, or interact with him, it is the same as doing so with Father himself in the physical world. Now who is the one that stands as the true wife and mother to this person? It is none other than his wife Yeon Ah Nim. When you speak of her, listen to her, or interact with her it is the same as if you are interacting with the 'True Mother'.
Now to the Spiritual world. I will state it bluntly but clearly. True Father is there in spiritual world, but the position (Chair) of True Mother is vacant. The reason for that is due to the failure of Han Hak-Ja to remain a true object. Yes it is that simple.
The True Mother will be fulfilled in spirit world when it is completed here on earth. It remains to be seen who and how that shall be.


The bible is very metaphorical in the New Testament, even more so than the Old Testament. Yet as the ages unfold it seems that is really the best way to record timeless truths. Even from the view point of 'science and logic' the more they advance the more in alignment they become with the metaphors of the bible.
Often I was at the feet of the LSA (Father) when he would suddenly state he was not merely speaking to us present, or even the people of our generation and time, but to all of the people of the past (Spiritual world), those of the present time and age, and to the generations thousands of years from now.
The famous and often quoted bible verse of John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," (KJV)
So let me put out there this
If the Word was 'made' flesh, when the flesh will cease what would remain?
To me it would be the word that would endure and be eternal. For me the Word would be the eternal 'body' of ones self. So when we read the very words of the LSA we are directly relating with his 'living flesh' in a sense. The very words that where left behind are priceless beyond measure.
So I have to ask Dan Fefferman directly, and everyone in general, should anyone be messing with the very words of the LSA? Dan stated the following recently
'My personal view is that the new version should have been published as a "second edition" or "volume 2" instead of replacing the original'
Father himself stated that there would not be denominationalism because the word (CSG) would NOT be changed (paraphrasing here). Yet we see it was touched and changed, and we see the very desire of the LSA being violated.
I started this FB group to leave the PR / Politics / PC stuff behind, so let us do so on this key of the 'WORD'. I will also make clear that anyone replying and commenting to this thread will not be suspended, blocked, or cast out by anyone other than me (Robert Pickell). So if you can trust in my integrity to have an open and frank discussion about this vital point, let us have at it. Let us also beseech our Father in heaven for his guidance on this.

TIME TO GROW UP .... what is a personal attack ???

This is one many people harp about constantly. I want to lay out that is time we all get real about this and each other.
If I call someone a Bitch, whore, pimp, or such, you are correct that is a personal attack. The question is not about the nature of it being personal, but if it is valid and proper in the context it is being used.
Jesus himself call individuals and groups vial names. Father himself called people bastards and whores. So if anyone thinks God does not use 'foul' language, you are greatly mistaken. But it is not used haphazardly, or with out clear purpose and meaning. We have all known and meet people who use foul language to shore up their ego and lack of love. This is no different than those that use 'proper' language and vocabulary to speak 'Above' to show they are superior and smart, to shore up their egos and lack of love feelings. Neither is proper in a relationship and exchange.
Now directly to the issue of personal attacks ... I hope most people coming here have some basic grounding in the DP and teachings of Rev. Moon (Father). One of the most concise points is that PEOPLE individually are conflicted beings (we have opposing desires) internally in ourselves. The world that we experience daily is a RESULT of this in every way. This is a result of the Fall of Man and the fact we inherited a NATURE (it is part of us) that is Evil (Fallen). We still retain an Original (Good) Nature as well. These are at conflict within each individual born of the Fallen lineage.
The reason I bring this up is to make the point that defeating Evil is a PERSONAL thing and responsibility. It is NOT a Collective thing. Never has been and never will be at its core. As such when confronting the fallen nature of others, it is completely proper to call it out on a personal level. Many see this as a personal attack, and I will not deny that, but it is an attack on the evil self and not done to destroy the person God created and desires to be victorious and successful. When you look at Jesus own use of this, it becomes clear.
As such I do not disallow personal attacks, actually I use them frequently, but let me make clear this. No matter what you say and use here, you are personally responsible for it. Also if you attack someone personally you will need to show some foundation as to why you make the claim you do against another.
As for those who receive 'personal' attacks, if they are based in some premise or action it is up to you, yourself to defend yourself, or if it is valid to digest it and learn from it and grow. For a personal 'attack' can show what evil you need to separate from if you are truly humble before God.
We should be big enough and mature enough in God's Love and ideal to be honest with each other and able to accept words of truth, even if they are foul and personal. Do not attempt to put God into a box that he will never fit in.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I was asked to answer some things, and I queried back if the person has watched the videos since Breaking the Silence of 18 Jan 2014. He said he had, so I said I would reply to the questions. To avoid thread drift and hijacking of another persons post I am going to post his questions and then over time reply to each part. ... So with out further words here it is
Mappy Man queried "The women Han Hak-Ja, failed to do that at the last and final stage when she had to face that choice alone with out Father there to command her obedience". If this is a truth or part of the teachings of Sanctury it is going to need a lot more substance. Do you have any idea at what level was this that the woman Hak Ja Han was at when she failed to do as stated above. Who states this exactly and when did this teaching first appear? Can it be shown or explain other than coming directly from Hyung Jin. I want to get past the opinions, theories. What truth do you have to explain such statements? Please note I am not interested in inuendo, rumour, heare say she said this he said that stories..Please show me from scripture your foundation for such statements or believe. Then explain the position of father now in his so called present single state and how that changes the engrafting process. I had heard that that woman is now the bride of the Archangel. We had been taught up to now she was perfect. Father had in fact called her the wife of God. He came down to earth for the first time as she was victorious in her unity with father and together they became Gods body. How can such a woman fall so far? For changing a song and pledge? Was it not said that nothing can separate father and mother. Not even God. How do you explain it?"


I would like to show directly the result of a marriage that is centered upon God's ideal in real practice. I was at the Korean weekly service today. After the service Hyung Jin Nim and his wife spent some time together very naturally and spontaneously. The King of CIG practices what he is preaching. I can personally testify to that from nearly three years of being near and around him and his wife and family.
Now I just have to ask all those opposed to what he teaches about family and spouses and the relationships and who God and Father are, just what are you opposed to in this result?
I know Jon Quinn will understand this along with his loving and supportive wife Christen Quinn.
True Love does NOT breed chaos, but order and clarity in all things. This order and clarity comes based on a heart overflowing with God's original love and desire.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


18 Jan was the one year mark since the 'Breaking the Silence' Sermon by Hyung Jin Nim. It would seem good to reflect on the passing of time since then and the events that have come to be. I will keep this brief as I like most do not find long wordy SA worth reading as a general rule. So onward.
First was the exposure and depth of corruption at the very highest levels of the leadership in the FFWPU. The ongoing and systematic betrayal of the very life and words of the LSA himself by many that were the closest to him.
Second was how the Han mother was not only part of this but actually the central figure for this betrayal and desecration of the LSA and her husband. Wow, how that shocked people and many are still in denial of this even to this day.
Third is the Coronation and ongoing Kingship of the Anointed heir of True Parents, Hyung Jin Nim and his wife Yeon Ah Nim. Yes this is a direct rejection of the false claim by the Han mother that she is the subject of God's providence. You can not have two subjects in God's ideal. This has resulted in a clear and open separation (dividing) of peoples hearts and loyalties.
Fourth is the clear growth and prosperity of the Sanctuary Church under Hyung Jin Nim. People from around the world have united with the King and his Queen in their efforts to realize God's ideal here upon the earth and up hold God's very Lineage. This is in stark contrast to the FFWPU decline and chaos concerning issues of Lineage and God's ideal.
I (Robert Pickell) personally have played a role in these events, but really all I have done is testify to the Living God and his Son as my Father taught me I should do as a brother. I have been told history has been written, some of it by my very hand, but I would willing trade any and all fame for God's ideal and blessing upon my children and the Lineage of God here on earth. I have been told that 'You have to live a long time and serve the King' by many including my wife who is in the spiritual world.
There are many who have done and are doing much for the King of CIG who will never be known by the world, but rest assured that God and your Father know you and what you do each and every day. In all honesty it is those that do the will of the Father when it is not known, or for people to see, that really embrace the heart of the Parent. When you live for God and his ideal and serve and attend his people and Lineage when none know, it is only then that you and God himself will share something that is truly special.
So I conclude with this
Thank you to the many children of our Father, who through their hearts and tears have helped to bring blessing and understanding to God's ideal here on earth. Your paths have been ones of walking in the shadows of the valley of death. Making straight the way for the Lord with your very tears, sweat, and blood if need be. Your words have been spoken with the heart and passions of your Father of heaven. If others do not understand, your Father and God do, and I personally know these are the ones that carry so many crosses each and every day, so the Lord does not have too.
God bless you all and your families.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


From HDK this morning, Father's words

"God likes love. What kind of love does God like most? It is true love. But
what is true love? Where would we say true love has its root? Its root does not lie in God. This sounds strange, doesn’t it? The all-knowing and all-powerful God is the Master of true love, and yet God does not want the root of this love to begin from Him. God thinks that He will plant the root in a person who can be the object of this love. (177-269, 1988.5.20)"

So tell me people what does the fallen Han mother give away in order to be the 'subject' at this time?

Or to phrase the question another way, What is the purpose and value of a True Object (True Wife)?

Father understood

From the CSG, as Father left it to us.
Page 73, Chapter 1 • The Original Being of God, Section 5. God’s omniscience and Omnipotence Are Within the Principle
5.1. God’s omniscience and omnipotence are based on principles
"This may sound strange, but if God wanted love, why could He not simply create it at will? It is because if He did, He would not be able to stand in His
proper position. This is why He does not create love, and this is the same as saying He could not create it. Do you understand what I am saying? You may say, “Ah, but how can the all-knowing and almighty God be unable to create love?” If He did, we might come to find that either dualism or polytheism were correct. You may doubt it, but this is how it is. (173-211, 1988.2.18)"
Father understood so clearly, and I find it so sad that the Han mother and FFWPU seem to be falling deeper and deeper into ignorance and sin.


With the 'Mother of Harlots' attempting to place a 'Harlot' in position of FFWPU in America and being soundly rejected by the rank and file, what is the real outcome of this all?
Clearly this was attempted by 'Mother's' direct involvement and desire. So now I have to ask the FFWPU membership are you truly supporting her or not?
Seems that there is conditional 'faith' in the OBD of God. I wonder what Andrew Wilson or Tyler Hendricks would say of this situation? Would they be spouting about how much 'suffering' the daughter has gone, and what a difficult course it has been? How we do not understand just how united the daughter is with the Father?
In a sense these are just 'gotta' questions and do not amount to much in the end anyway. The real question for the FFWPU is, given this, can you really answer clearly and concisely
What do you stand for and represent FFWPU ???
For me personally it does not matter, as I am not beholding to you or pledge any allegiance or connection to you. Yet as one that is in battle with you about God's ideal and his lineage, it would seem you are the ones in confusion about the very core of these things.
Frankly speaking FFWPU you need to stop worrying about SC and figure yourselves out first. There is no real need to battle you any longer, for like all cancers, if isolated, it will die as it has nothing but its self to feed upon.
Unfortunately you feed upon the very children of your own families.


Many people, especially those that desire to support the Han mother claim that in 'perfection' and from 'true love' one is allowed to violate or disregard the very principles of creation. I would like to look at this clearly and with open eyes and ears. This is important as understanding this will help people to know better what is of God truly and what is NOT. So let us start.
First we need to ask what came first. Is it the Principle of Creation or God's True Love? Well if any of us had been paying attention in our time with Father here on earth we would know clearly that is is God's LOVE (True / original love) that motivated him to create in the first place. There existed nothing before that desire to create. As such the very 'laws' of that creation process do not exist either.
So we conclude with clear logic and understanding that True (God's) Love comes BEFORE the Principle of Creation. That the Principles that God uses and creates by are a RESULT (object) of his Love. This is also in line with the understanding that love is more powerful than principles.
Now that is clear, let us move to the next part of the question. Does God's love (true love) allow one to violate the Principle or not? To look at this clearly let us start with the source of True Love. Is God an imperfect being? No he is not. He is perfect in his love, ideal, and actions. So what God creates is with out flaw. This is in complete alignment with the story of creation in Genesis when each part of creation is complete God claims it as 'good'. So are the principles that God uses to create lacking or at flaw? No they are not. This is the very reason people have dedicated their lives to understanding them though science and such. The principles God uses reflect his absolute and perfection nature. We as people are drawn to this by our original minds and hearts.
So if the object of God's love, the Principle of Creation, is without flaw and complete, then there will be no need to change it. This fits with the Unchanging characteristic of God himself. As such we can clearly and logically conclude that the Subject would never Violate its own true object (creation).
So our answer is that True Love (God's love) DOES NOT OVERRIDE (change) the Principle.
Actually True Love is ONLY expressed through the Principle. This is why once one is bound in love with God they can NOT sin, as True love creates and express ONLY God's principles.
Those that claim otherwise are just like the fallen angel Lucifer who lied and said you will not die, when God clearly had told Eve she would. This is not True love but rather False Love of the False Father Satan himself.
So you tell me people who is standing for and with True Love at this time? Is it the Han mother and FFWPU, or the anointed King and SC?
God gave each of us a mind to know him and his ways. I suggest we all start to use it.


It has been roughly one year since I started to speak and write publicly about Hyung Jin Nim and his wife and family. I have always spoken from my direct experience and understanding, and most of all my relationship with the living God.
It has been quite an experience that I would have never predicted. I never would have thought that I would be exposing and making light shine on the Fall of Han Hak-Ja. Yet that is what has happened.
My single and only motivation during this time is to stand with my brother and his family. All throughout history people have run from God's anointed ones, but I will not. I am no better than a thief that finds himself next to the very Son of Man. I DO deserve to die for my and my ancestors sins, but my brother, ordained by his Father directly does NOT. So when others attempt to 'nail' him to a cross, I will speak out. That started with my reply to the memo from 'Dr. Yang'. I never imagined how far and wide that would go. That was the start of this effort.
Yes I am not truly worthy of being where I am, nor am I all that God would want of me. But I do know who God chooses and anoints. I will follow my God and Father to my last breath. I committed my life long ago to becoming the son that my Father in Heaven could be proud of. I did NOT come and join some organization to play 'follow the leader'. Most of my time in the formal UC movement was spent staying in it because God and Father wanted me there, despite the leaders and CF. There where a few exceptions to that, and I must mention that John Hessel is one of the few in this path I have walked.
There are so many brothers and sisters that I shed tears, sweat, and blood with over the years that are no longer around. I know how deeply that pains my heart and the very heart of God our Father. When all is said and done, I am really a very simple person. I want to be able to truly love my God freely and without shame. I want to be able to do that with my brothers and sisters as well. And I deeply desire being able to be part of a family that reflects God's ideal, in a true partnership with my spouse.
The world can have all the other things of fame, power, position, money. I am more than willing to trade these all for the desire of my true heart, God's family, lineage, love.
There are many that I have upset and that oppose me. So be it, as I can only be a true son by putting my relationship with God my Father first and above all else. Yes, you that are reading this, come after (2nd Place) that relationship. Even for my very wife and children this is true. I either live for my Father in heaven or I do not.
To the Dan Fefferman, and others out there, I do not wish ill upon you, but rather I sincerely pray and desire that your heart / minds will be open to see and understand where and how God is working at this time.
I will leave all with a simple but sincere and honest question.
What are we going to be leaving and passing on to our children?
Will it be excuses and self justifications of why we 'need' to accept the fallen ways of Satan's world
Are we going to stand and fight for God's ideal even when it may cost us our very lives, families, children?
I know the example that our True Father left us.


The dark of moving the face of the earth away from the light of the Sun comes quickly during the time of the year when the Mass of Christ is remembered by many. How and why it is remembered by so many is broad and varied. The Father I knew always started that day off with a prayer. The prayers of this day where always full of tears and emotion of the deepest heart. Prayers filled with the heart of Jesus pouring forth and being comforted, as Jesus himself is attempting to comfort the very heart of God.
So it is with Glad tidings and joy, that I wish to testify to spending the Eve of that special day with the King, but more fundamental, the very Son of God, the anointed one.
Many families gathered at the home offered to be the gathering place for the people that God has gathered around the living Body of True Parents here upon the earth. I arrive and place my gift so it will be under the tree. Then I proceed to the table where the King and his brother are sitting. We great each other and I tell them I have small gift for the two of them. I proceed to find in my pocket what I have brought to give to them. As I present it and share it with them they both have smiles and laughter. The King is assured that it follows the guidelines he has of 'No gift to cost, more that ten dollars'. Truth be told it barely cost one dollar, including the tax.
This only goes to speak to the truth that I have known for a long time. The value of a gift is the heart it is given and the heart it is received with, not the cost of it.
As I sit and chat with the brothers others come and join us. The King speaks of how he came to understand his Father as he really is from God's view point. I can not do proper justice to his own words and will not even attempt it here. I can make clear what he said about the only way to know and understand his Father is to know and understand Jesus. For his Father and Jesus are one. It is only through knowing and understand Jesus that he was able to understand and fully unite with his Father.
After the meal and discussion at the table there was a gift exchange and game. There was much joy and social give and take among all spanning the ages from very young to the oldest among us. All three generations were present in this gathering. It concluded with a group photo being taken.
As I return home, it only seems fitting that I share this with all that desire to know and hear. For it is the birth of Jesus we owe this time and holiday to, regardless our reason or motivation, and it is through Jesus that the very King of CIG is and was able to know his Father, who is now in heaven.