Monday, December 21, 2015


The whole concept of a sinless women born from the womb for the process of restoring the original ideal of God lost due to the fall in the Garden of Eden is flawed and wrong. I will explain why.
- Original Creation -
Adam is created and God directly is his creator. Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul"
Eve is created FROM Adam as God sees it. Genesis 2:21-24
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
From God's point of view Adam is created first and Eve is created from Adam. I am not going to argue this with people. If you do not like it, take it up with God directly, not me.
- Restoration -
The process of Recreation (restoration) is governed by the same laws and processes as the original creation. So if you clearly understand this you will understand God's promise to send the Messiah. This is God taking direct responsibility to create Adam anew, just like he did in the original Garden of Eden.
So once Adam is created, where will Eve come from ? She will come from Adam. Eve is not a separate creation apart from Adam. So it is the same in the providence of restoration. This is why God and the LSA together 'create' anew an Eve. He does this by taking a bride from the 'fallen' world [taking back what was stolen by Satan].
- Conclusion -
I hope this is clear enough that people can understand why there is not born a sinless women in the providence of restoration. For only THROUGH / FROM a True Adam (Father) can a sinless Eve be created.
To claim other wise is false and anti-God and counter to his ideal.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Let us Review

It has been nearly one year since I first ever came to Facebook in any manner. I did so to speak clearly and honestly about Hyung Jin Nim who I have come to know personally and directly, and the issues and situations facing the 'movement' that professes to follow the LSA.
To say it has been an experience would be a mild way of describing the fireworks. And now it seems fitting to review a bit. So here it goes.
1. The fallen Han mother is attempting to replace the LSA with herself and the Han lineage. This should be clear to any that deal with the real facts of the matter.
2. Hyung Jin Nim and his wife have chosen the difficult path of upholding and having absolute faith in the Anointing and Crowning, regardless.
3. The 'secrets' of the inner circle and Father's life course have been brought into the noon day sun.
4. As the FFWPU is dying and eating its self, the people and support for Hyung Jin Nim continues to grow.
I personally remember Dan Fefferman and others saying that Hyung Jin Nim was spaced out and did not know what he was doing. I told Dan and others if they really thought that, that they would be in for a rude awaking, for they where wrong. Well the rude awaking came, and now Dan and others claim that Hyung Jin Nim is driven by resentment, and desire for power. One more time I tell you all that is wrong and if you really believe that you will be gravely mistaken.
Many have not liked what I have said, yet none have been able to prove me incorrect. That is not due to my being smarter or better, but simply due to the fact that God and Father along with the truth is with me.
There is a clear choice before all people who claim to have attended the LSA.
Do you really believe in the LSA and his words and commandments and traditions or not?
You can have any excuse you want, there are nearly endless number of them all through out history, but in the end it is merely an excuse, and just as in the past will never be good enough for ignoring the words of God or his Anointed one.
Your very words and deeds will show where you stand, just as they do for the fallen Han mother.
(FB post by Robert Pickel)

Monday, December 7, 2015


Reviewing things and the premise that the Han Mother is 'perfect' I found this I wrote back in FEBRUARY of this year.
Angus McDonald, Asks this question "I think Perfect trumps imperfect. Did you ever believe that True Mother was perfect. ?"
Honestly I never spent much time on it before recently. It seemed a non issue with me as I was busy with what I was tasked to do. Not dodging just saying it as it was. Let me add the following though to put it more clear, if not for you, at least others then.
I followed Father / TP and worked in the UC movement, not because Father or TP where 'Perfect', but because God showed me Father was the one he had anointed and trusted to be the LSA. There where many things and times I did not understand or see what Father was doing could be God's desire, but every time I went to God I got a response. To distill all those many responses from God into a singular phrase it would be:
I (God) Trust Father 100% and have absolute faith in him. Do your Robert Pickell?
Like I said that is a distilling of the many responses to my doubts along the way of this life of Faith. I realized long ago that I truly do not know what perfection is, so for me to say one way or another if the anointed one is or is not perfect seemed meaningless. Reason for that is, it does not change what God wants / needs me to do in relation to them. I will leave the determining of perfection in the hands of God the creator.
So replying directly to your question
"I think Perfect trumps imperfect"
I think knowing who is God's anointed and supporting them, trumps 'prefect' any time.
My faith in God or the one he anoints is not conditional on someone else perfection.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The Lord's prayer starts "Our FATHER, who art in heaven, Thy KINGDOM come here on earth as it is in heaven"
God is the Father (Subject) of heaven. Heaven is a Kingdom, meaning a KING rules.
Now let us look at what was created under the FALSE god Satan. He does not and will never have a physical body so how does he become the 'ruler' of the physical world?
The way SATAN rules is through a FALSE QUEEN that takes the subject position. This is Exactly what happened in the Fall of Man. Who was Satan's person in the world after the Fall? It was the fallen Eve. Now tell me who do you think was the Subject of that fallen family relationship?
Let us all be real here and understand that Eve DOMINATED Adam. Right from the beginning.
So in conclusion
HEAVEN has a King that rules
HELL has a false Queen that rules
Your choice people, as it is clearly before you.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Harmony and Unity [What is YOUR God Like?]

(From the Original CSG)
"The Unification Principle teaches that God is the invisible, absolute Lord with dual characteristics in harmony. As a being of dual characteristics, God created Adam and Eve as manifestations of His duality. He intended to be their vertical center when they grew up and connected horizontally through love. In other words, when Adam and Eve reached maturity, God’s masculine characteristics would have entered Adam’s mind and God’s feminine characteristics likewise would have entered Eve’s mind. This does not mean that God is divided. God can be present in Adam’s and Eve’s minds because He is the Lord with dual characteristics. (138-245,
I notice that God is a being of 'harmony'. Also this line speaks clearly to the current situation
'This does not mean that God is divided.'
In reference to the dual characteristics.
It is obvious there is conflict (lack of harmony) currently. So the question is why is that so? When one looks at this it stems from the conflict between Adam and Eve. Clearly Adam and Eve are not meant to relate in conflict in God's ideal, rather they are meant to relate in harmony.
There is NO WAY one can honestly say the Han Mother is in harmony with True Father. What the FFWPU and people supporting her are saying is that she is allowed to be a second subject and is NOT bound to Father, the subject, as a true object.
That is a DIVIDED house / relationship, and that does NOT reflect or manifest a unified God.
There is only ONE God and it is NOT the Han mother. There is only ONE LSA / Messiah and it is NOT the Han mother.
There is a King in the Kingdom of God, and he has been clearly anointed and crowned.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)


Sometimes things are just ignored when they should not be. I feel this formal response letter from Kerry Williams to Andrew Wilson is one that was basically ignored.
I suspect the reason is very simple. Andrew Wilson and others desiring to support the fallen Han mother have no meaningful way to refute what Kerry so clearly puts forward.
To her clear vision and understanding I tip my hat, but most of all to the that deep and sincere heart of hers for God and his Son I humbly bow in respect and honor.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)
Note: Kerry Williams post is available in the library.


Seeing the Han mother other than a singular person with a POR to fulfill is a great mistake.
True Mother, just like Messiah / LSA / Adam / True Father, is an ideal of God's hope (desire). Father comes as the True Adam. Look at his final prayer and how he is speaking to God.
The Han mother rejected True Mother in the end (by not being a true object). She not only rejected Father, but also True Mother, and as such has completely rejected True Parents from God's view point.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Dan Fefferman made the following statement
"she stepped up and led, just as TF wanted her to"
which is the great lie that is the foundation for all the evil coming forth from the fallen Han mother and all that support her.
Father put Hyung Jin Nim in charge of the 'religious' venues and Kook Jin Nim in charge of the 'material' venues. They where in place and doing a great job by all accounts. Also Father had anointed Hyung Jin Nim and his wife already (3x) and they had preformed the Blessing WITHOUT Father being present several times.
What Father and God wanted was for the Han mother to KEEP her position as faithful object. She utterly failed at this.
Let me put in plain view the comparison to Eve in the Garden of Long ago.
Eve was tempted when Adam WAS NOT AROUND (not there physically)
Those around Eve (namely Lucifer) speaking to her about how she is LIKE GOD (Father) and that she can be as 'Great' like God and Father. To paraphrase the bible and Lucifer "you will be LIKE GOD"
Eve bought into that idea and understanding.
Now Dan here is the real kicker about all this ... what is required of Eve to keep God's commandment?
Answer ......
NOT A DAMN THING !!!! ..... NOTHING .... Repeat, she should have done NOTHING !!!!
Eve keeps the commandment by doing nothing, no matter how much those around her attempt to convince her she 'should' do something.
Think about this. God made the commandment for both Adam and Eve easy in the sense they did not need to figure out how to do anything. They only needed NOT to do something !!!!!
The final test for the Han mother was, and is NO DIFFERENT than from what it was long ago.
She has proven herself a foolish and vain women in attempting to do what she was NEVER tasked to do.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Seeing the Han mother other than a singular person with a POR to fulfill is a great mistake.
True Mother, just like Messiah / LSA / Adam / True Father, is an ideal of God's hope (desire). Father comes as the True Adam. Look at his final prayer and how he is speaking to God.
The Han mother rejected True Mother in the end (by not being a true object). She not only rejected Father, but also True Mother, and as such has completely rejected True Parents from God's view point.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Thursday, November 19, 2015


This is the real question and Jesus was very clear about this that the very devil is the 'father' of fallen mankind. He came to save us by changing the lineage. This is the VERY HEART of the providence of restoration and God's heart to 'win' back his lost children, Adam and Eve, this is the very heart of the Father, God himself.
This has been the very war raging between God and Satan since the beginning of human history. So let me put the situation between Moon Hyung Jin and Han Hak Ja in this context.
1. Moon Hyung Jin is of the direct lineage of Father the LSA
2. He is the one that Father him self stated had 'proved' himself worthy
3. He is the one that directly attended Father with his wife as they where asked to do.
4. He and his wife had the coronation (3x) as the very Body of True Parents with the full power and authority of True Parents here on earth.
5. He has kept the purity of the Lineage and Blessing. He is pure and chaste.
Now for Han Hak Ja
1. She is directly from Satan's lineage of Han family.
2. She is claiming that she does NOT need the lineage of Father
3. She is stating that her lineage is sinless and root of all
4. She is rejecting the very heir and leadership of the one anointed by God and True Parents
5. She is replacing the very words of the LSA with her version of his words
Now please look at this clearly and ask God and Father and God in humble prayer which one is HIS, God the Creators, LINEAGE.
There is only ONE lineage of God, and any other has to be False.
So people who's blessing is YOUR LINEAGE and marriage belong too? Be serious about this, for it is not only your eternal life and soul, also the very souls or all your decedents and ancestors that are at stake here.
Are you connected to God's Lineage through the blood of the LSA
Are you connected to Satan's Lineage through the blood and unity with Han?
The choice is clear and it is before you all.

(FB post by Robert Pickel)


In a reply about the dual aspect of God, Male and Female, and the situation with the Han Mother the following is clear, and I want to share to all as my post of the day. Following is the reply
Eve is created by God 'FROM THE RIB OF ADAM'. A true Eve is the 'help mate' ... not a competitor of Adam. She would not have to 'prove' anything about her relationship in COMPARISON with her true Adam and husband.
If you notice in EVERY presentation that supports the fallen Han Mother, they are constantly Comparing her and her actions and 'accomplishments' to / with Father.
That is NOT a partnership, that is a competition between TWO SUBJECTS... that is NOT a harmonious reflection of God's duality.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Summer with Two Brothers and Sisters by Robert Pickell

(This is a fabulous testimony by Robert Pickell that is being re-posted here.  Click on the link below to get this special testimony.  It starts like this...)

It was May of 2013 when one Sunday morning I was invited to attend Sunday service at one of the True children's home. I thought it would be in New York State, but to my surprise I was informed it was in Pennsylvania. Not only that but it was about 1/2 way to my home from where I was at New Hope Farms that Sunday morning. I have never directly meet or interfaced with any of the True Children. Like most I had on rare occasion crossed paths with some of them, but nothing more. With out knowing much of any background or exactly which of the True Children I consented to go. I borrowed a clean shirt from Lowell who had invited me, and off I went.

Click here:  A Summer with Two Brothers and Sisters.

WILL I LOSE MY HEAD ??? (by Robert Pickell)

The following question was asked and I replied to it. I find it a good one to answer and reveal a very clear and fundamental point of the reality of the 'UC movement'.
"No SC to join, back then, so why didn't you get on the thrilling new GPF bandwagon? Seriously"
The straight answer to that is because the GPF was NOT anointed by God.
What I do find interesting is that GPF had much more initial support of senior leadership and resources (they end up with nearly 1/2 of all money and assets) and yet their impact upon the UC movement is minimum at best.
They know many of the issues that Hyung Jin Nim has spoken of. They know the key players of evil hearts and influence around Father and Mother. Still they are not effective.
I will bottom line this for you all. Father asked Hyun Jin (H1) to come and be with him directly. He refused Father.
This is the SOLE reason I personally or publicly NEVER supported him. He would not humble himself to Father. Period..... Father is God's anointed, and not only that the very LSA. So no matter how 'correct' H1 is in his 'facts and understanding' he is WRONG in his denial of Fathers will and desire. This is exactly the failure of John the Baptist.
Now in a span of a short 10 months apx, Hyung Jin Nim has brought about the very shaking and crumbling of the UC movement world wide. That is not due to him being 'better / smarter / more skilled' than his older brother. It is due to the simple fact that he is God's anointed and the very BODY of True Parents here upon this earth. He speaks and carries the FULL power and authority of True Parents, and God and Father are directly leading and working with him.
Jamal Johnson is totally correct in the observation that you do NOT have a choice about Hyung Jin Nim and his wife. They are the very Body of True Parents. God and Father decided that and expressed it (3x) so we could all know that.
The only choice any of us have is the very choice that John the Baptist faced.
If you are not, then soon Satan will be at your door and you will loose your head, for God will no longer be able to protect you. This includes the Han Mother and all those attempting to prop her up.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Money and God's Viewpoint (according to various religious thoughts)

There was a protestant, catholic, Jewish, FFWPU 'priests' at an inter religious conference sharing lunch. During the course of the meal the topic of money / tithing came up. The question floated was one about what they as the 'priest / rabbi / leader' get from the 'offering'. The responses where in the order as follows,
The protestant priest / pastor stated that he draws a circle around him only one foot round, says a prayer over the collected offering, and then tosses into the air. What lands inside the circle is for his personal use.
The catholic priest says he does the same thing but his circle is THREE feet across as there is three in the God head (trinity).
The Jewish rabbi says he does not draw a circle, but he does say the prayer and tosses the collection up, and what ever God needs he will keep.
The FFWPU leader just looks at them and says 'why make it so complicated'.
He goes on to explain that, He takes the money and if anyone asks about it HE tells them to ask God about it, but do NOT ask him as it shows a lack of faith and understanding.
(FB post by Robert Pickell)

Monday, November 9, 2015


a formal response about my statement ...
>>>> <<<<<
Helen Kashiwa, let me answer you and others directly since you deem me and my words worthy of your daily Post. You complain I that I wrote the following (which I did)
"Also I know God and Father are working directly to DESTROY / KILL the FFWPU as it no longer serves them. This comes directly to me from Father himself."

The background of this is a HDK at East Garden for 'business' leaders Father called. I was attending as I owned my own Electrical / HVAC business at the time. During that HDK session in which I was instructed to sit in the very front row Father said a total of 3x as best my memory can recall the following.

'God will destroy the UC movement if it does not do what I (Father) needs'
next as a Repeat, Rephrase
'I will Kill the church (UC movement) if it does not follow God's will'
finally the third time, in broken and rough english, looking right at me
'God and I will kill it if it does not do what is needed'

These are moments that 'shear' into ones mind and memory. After that Father went on to speak about how he will use those that are willing to do God's will even if they are not Blessed couples / families, the formal UC movement. Further more he spoke about God leaving America completely and the blessing and fortune given America going else where.

At the end of this HDK session and Father's speaking, when he got up and we had all bowed, Father walked directly over to me and placed his right hand on my left shoulder and looked me directly in the eyes and had the slightest of smiles.

There was a video camera and film crew at the event and I assume it was completely recorded, though I have never seen a written record of it ever published.

I know what I saw and heard directly from the LSA and I stand by what I have written, as they are the very words that 'proceedeth from the mouth of God'

If you or others have trouble with them I suggest you go in humble prayer and take it up directly with God and Father.

by Robert Pickell