Friday, February 5, 2016


The bible is very metaphorical in the New Testament, even more so than the Old Testament. Yet as the ages unfold it seems that is really the best way to record timeless truths. Even from the view point of 'science and logic' the more they advance the more in alignment they become with the metaphors of the bible.
Often I was at the feet of the LSA (Father) when he would suddenly state he was not merely speaking to us present, or even the people of our generation and time, but to all of the people of the past (Spiritual world), those of the present time and age, and to the generations thousands of years from now.
The famous and often quoted bible verse of John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," (KJV)
So let me put out there this
If the Word was 'made' flesh, when the flesh will cease what would remain?
To me it would be the word that would endure and be eternal. For me the Word would be the eternal 'body' of ones self. So when we read the very words of the LSA we are directly relating with his 'living flesh' in a sense. The very words that where left behind are priceless beyond measure.
So I have to ask Dan Fefferman directly, and everyone in general, should anyone be messing with the very words of the LSA? Dan stated the following recently
'My personal view is that the new version should have been published as a "second edition" or "volume 2" instead of replacing the original'
Father himself stated that there would not be denominationalism because the word (CSG) would NOT be changed (paraphrasing here). Yet we see it was touched and changed, and we see the very desire of the LSA being violated.
I started this FB group to leave the PR / Politics / PC stuff behind, so let us do so on this key of the 'WORD'. I will also make clear that anyone replying and commenting to this thread will not be suspended, blocked, or cast out by anyone other than me (Robert Pickell). So if you can trust in my integrity to have an open and frank discussion about this vital point, let us have at it. Let us also beseech our Father in heaven for his guidance on this.

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