Wednesday, January 13, 2016


The dark of moving the face of the earth away from the light of the Sun comes quickly during the time of the year when the Mass of Christ is remembered by many. How and why it is remembered by so many is broad and varied. The Father I knew always started that day off with a prayer. The prayers of this day where always full of tears and emotion of the deepest heart. Prayers filled with the heart of Jesus pouring forth and being comforted, as Jesus himself is attempting to comfort the very heart of God.
So it is with Glad tidings and joy, that I wish to testify to spending the Eve of that special day with the King, but more fundamental, the very Son of God, the anointed one.
Many families gathered at the home offered to be the gathering place for the people that God has gathered around the living Body of True Parents here upon the earth. I arrive and place my gift so it will be under the tree. Then I proceed to the table where the King and his brother are sitting. We great each other and I tell them I have small gift for the two of them. I proceed to find in my pocket what I have brought to give to them. As I present it and share it with them they both have smiles and laughter. The King is assured that it follows the guidelines he has of 'No gift to cost, more that ten dollars'. Truth be told it barely cost one dollar, including the tax.
This only goes to speak to the truth that I have known for a long time. The value of a gift is the heart it is given and the heart it is received with, not the cost of it.
As I sit and chat with the brothers others come and join us. The King speaks of how he came to understand his Father as he really is from God's view point. I can not do proper justice to his own words and will not even attempt it here. I can make clear what he said about the only way to know and understand his Father is to know and understand Jesus. For his Father and Jesus are one. It is only through knowing and understand Jesus that he was able to understand and fully unite with his Father.
After the meal and discussion at the table there was a gift exchange and game. There was much joy and social give and take among all spanning the ages from very young to the oldest among us. All three generations were present in this gathering. It concluded with a group photo being taken.
As I return home, it only seems fitting that I share this with all that desire to know and hear. For it is the birth of Jesus we owe this time and holiday to, regardless our reason or motivation, and it is through Jesus that the very King of CIG is and was able to know his Father, who is now in heaven.

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