Wednesday, January 13, 2016


It has been roughly one year since I started to speak and write publicly about Hyung Jin Nim and his wife and family. I have always spoken from my direct experience and understanding, and most of all my relationship with the living God.
It has been quite an experience that I would have never predicted. I never would have thought that I would be exposing and making light shine on the Fall of Han Hak-Ja. Yet that is what has happened.
My single and only motivation during this time is to stand with my brother and his family. All throughout history people have run from God's anointed ones, but I will not. I am no better than a thief that finds himself next to the very Son of Man. I DO deserve to die for my and my ancestors sins, but my brother, ordained by his Father directly does NOT. So when others attempt to 'nail' him to a cross, I will speak out. That started with my reply to the memo from 'Dr. Yang'. I never imagined how far and wide that would go. That was the start of this effort.
Yes I am not truly worthy of being where I am, nor am I all that God would want of me. But I do know who God chooses and anoints. I will follow my God and Father to my last breath. I committed my life long ago to becoming the son that my Father in Heaven could be proud of. I did NOT come and join some organization to play 'follow the leader'. Most of my time in the formal UC movement was spent staying in it because God and Father wanted me there, despite the leaders and CF. There where a few exceptions to that, and I must mention that John Hessel is one of the few in this path I have walked.
There are so many brothers and sisters that I shed tears, sweat, and blood with over the years that are no longer around. I know how deeply that pains my heart and the very heart of God our Father. When all is said and done, I am really a very simple person. I want to be able to truly love my God freely and without shame. I want to be able to do that with my brothers and sisters as well. And I deeply desire being able to be part of a family that reflects God's ideal, in a true partnership with my spouse.
The world can have all the other things of fame, power, position, money. I am more than willing to trade these all for the desire of my true heart, God's family, lineage, love.
There are many that I have upset and that oppose me. So be it, as I can only be a true son by putting my relationship with God my Father first and above all else. Yes, you that are reading this, come after (2nd Place) that relationship. Even for my very wife and children this is true. I either live for my Father in heaven or I do not.
To the Dan Fefferman, and others out there, I do not wish ill upon you, but rather I sincerely pray and desire that your heart / minds will be open to see and understand where and how God is working at this time.
I will leave all with a simple but sincere and honest question.
What are we going to be leaving and passing on to our children?
Will it be excuses and self justifications of why we 'need' to accept the fallen ways of Satan's world
Are we going to stand and fight for God's ideal even when it may cost us our very lives, families, children?
I know the example that our True Father left us.

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