Wednesday, January 13, 2016


With the 'Mother of Harlots' attempting to place a 'Harlot' in position of FFWPU in America and being soundly rejected by the rank and file, what is the real outcome of this all?
Clearly this was attempted by 'Mother's' direct involvement and desire. So now I have to ask the FFWPU membership are you truly supporting her or not?
Seems that there is conditional 'faith' in the OBD of God. I wonder what Andrew Wilson or Tyler Hendricks would say of this situation? Would they be spouting about how much 'suffering' the daughter has gone, and what a difficult course it has been? How we do not understand just how united the daughter is with the Father?
In a sense these are just 'gotta' questions and do not amount to much in the end anyway. The real question for the FFWPU is, given this, can you really answer clearly and concisely
What do you stand for and represent FFWPU ???
For me personally it does not matter, as I am not beholding to you or pledge any allegiance or connection to you. Yet as one that is in battle with you about God's ideal and his lineage, it would seem you are the ones in confusion about the very core of these things.
Frankly speaking FFWPU you need to stop worrying about SC and figure yourselves out first. There is no real need to battle you any longer, for like all cancers, if isolated, it will die as it has nothing but its self to feed upon.
Unfortunately you feed upon the very children of your own families.

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