"she stepped up and led, just as TF wanted her to"
which is the great lie that is the foundation for all the evil coming forth from the fallen Han mother and all that support her.
Father put Hyung Jin Nim in charge of the 'religious' venues and Kook Jin Nim in charge of the 'material' venues. They where in place and doing a great job by all accounts. Also Father had anointed Hyung Jin Nim and his wife already (3x) and they had preformed the Blessing WITHOUT Father being present several times.
What Father and God wanted was for the Han mother to KEEP her position as faithful object. She utterly failed at this.
Let me put in plain view the comparison to Eve in the Garden of Long ago.
Eve was tempted when Adam WAS NOT AROUND (not there physically)
Those around Eve (namely Lucifer) speaking to her about how she is LIKE GOD (Father) and that she can be as 'Great' like God and Father. To paraphrase the bible and Lucifer "you will be LIKE GOD"
Eve bought into that idea and understanding.
Now Dan here is the real kicker about all this ... what is required of Eve to keep God's commandment?
Answer ......
NOT A DAMN THING !!!! ..... NOTHING .... Repeat, she should have done NOTHING !!!!
NOT A DAMN THING !!!! ..... NOTHING .... Repeat, she should have done NOTHING !!!!
Eve keeps the commandment by doing nothing, no matter how much those around her attempt to convince her she 'should' do something.
Think about this. God made the commandment for both Adam and Eve easy in the sense they did not need to figure out how to do anything. They only needed NOT to do something !!!!!
The final test for the Han mother was, and is NO DIFFERENT than from what it was long ago.
She has proven herself a foolish and vain women in attempting to do what she was NEVER tasked to do.